Which policy tool should you use?
This year, we've spotted a handful of policy tools to help you decide who to vote for! Learning about which political parties you support based on the policies they have has never been easier. Equally, the sheer amount of information and places to go can be overwhelming and it's hard to know which ones are the best fit for you. This is why we've collated all the different policy tools and engagement pages we've found here so you can go into this election informed and ready to vote!
Specific Questions and Answers
Format: Specific questions with a range of set answers on a spectrum.
Time needed: This test is quite detailed, and takes a reasonable amount of time to complete.
Outcome measure: If you’re looking for a precise picture of where you fall in relation to each major party - socially, economically - then this is a good start.
FUN metre: 4/5
[if !supportLists]
Format: Specific questions and set answers (that you can add to).
Time needed: Like Vote Compass, this test is quite detailed, and takes a reasonable amount of time.
Outcome measure: I Side With formulates your results in percentages, telling you what percentage of party's policies you line up with and in what areas. The percentages are ranked from highest to lowest for each party.
FUN metre: 3/5
Policy Information by Topic
If you like online shopping, this policy tool is for you!
Format: You can select your issue of choice and all party policies will be displayed under the heading. You pick and choose the policies you like by clicking the heart icon which puts the policies in your policy cart.
Time needed: [endif]If there’s a particular issue or area of policy that matters most to you, these tools are a quick way to compare where each party stands on the topic.
Outcome measure: At any point, you can click on your heart shaped policy cart. If you click on this you will see a circle dividing up the parties according to the percentage of party policies you picked.
FUN metre: 5/5
Format: Different issues are outlined on a spreadsheet-like grid, all hyperlinked to a page that summarises party policies. The policies link directly to the party pages.
Time needed: [endif]The time you spend on this site is based on however long you want to spend on each topic. Like the Spinoff's tool, you can pick and choose the areas of interest to you.
Outcome measure: It is up to you to decide which parties you aligned with the most based on the policies you read.
FUN metre: 1/5
The Sliding Scale of Policy
This tool is perfect for voters who want to look into the common value trade-offs that come with any election!
Format: On the Fence is a sliding scale of policy tools.
Time needed: [endif]Although fairly time consuming, the ‘On the fence’ policy tool allows for more nuance than a simple ‘yes or no’ quiz. However the quiz is flexible, you can finish early and lessen the accuracy.
Outcome measure: On the Fence ranks the parties from first to last in terms of how much you agree with them. They also provide a breakdown of where you stand in relation to each party on each issue.
FUN metre: 5/5
[if !supportLists]
A Blind 'Taste-test' for Policy
If you're conscious of your own selection bias, this anonymous policy tool is perfect for you!
Format: You choose the issues that are most important to you. You are then given each party's policies on that topic. They don't tell you which policies belong to which party. One by one you narrow down which policies you would vote for.
Time needed: The time needed depends on how many issues are important to you. It's up to you how much detail you want to go into. [endif]
Outcome measure: After selecting policies anonymously, the survey tells you which party's policies you selected for which topics.
FUN metre: 3/5
Electoral Youth Engagement
Here are links to some fantastic engagement pages that will keep you up to date on enrollment and voting information!
[if !supportLists]
13. GummonMateVote
14. Left-Right Out
Subject-Specific Tools
There you have it folks! All you need to do before voting begins on the 11th of September is find a policy tool that fits you and get reading! Remember - you can always look at party policies directly on party websites. We hope you enjoy using these tools to focus on policy this #nzelection. Happy browsing!
Have we missed your policy tool or engagement initiative?
Please email us at ppccontentteam@gmail.com and we will include your organisation in this post.